Plan Your Visit
Join us for worship and a Bible-based message every Sunday at 10:30am

Learn from sermons grounded in God’s Word every Sunday

Do life together, as a Family in Christ,

And worship in Faith-filled services

What do i do when i arrive?
There will be persons at our entrances to greet and guide you on our campus. Bulletins are available in the Lobby and as you enter – they contain upcoming events, info about our church, and connection cards. Refreshments will also be available in the Welcome Center after service.

Where and when does your church meet together?
Our church campus is located at 1150 East Helen Drive in Palmer. If you are familiar to Palmer, we’re located on the hill behind the Noisy Goose Restaurant across the Glenn Hwy from the Alaska State Fair Grounds. You can also get to our campus by turning south off the Palmer-Wasilla HWY at the Felton Street traffic light intersection. We’re about a mile past the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center.
Our regular Sunday morning worship service is at 10:30 and lasts about an hour. We have special & holiday worship services from time to time that are announced through our Facebook page, at, and via emails sent from our church. We have small groups that meet on and off campus at various days and times. You can find information on our Facebook page, at, and via our emails.
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What can I expect at the worship service?
God desires that everyone know Him. So, we plan worship to be a welcome experience for everyone, whether you’re a regular worshipper or a person who’s never been in a church. We will sing various styles of songs, we read scripture, have moments for prayer. We use video presentations to enhance our worship experience. Our sermons are Bible-based with real world application. Some persons will express worship with lifted hands and clapping. There are times we stand; times we’re seated.
What about children?
Some families worship together in our main service. We offer childcare for children up to 3 years old provided by trained and caring individuals for the service if you choose. We also have Next Generation Ministries for children 4 yrs old through 5th grade. Children attending this experience move from the Worship Center to the Family Ministry Center of our building before the sermon begins. The curriculum is called HyFi, and you can check it out at this link. For more information about our child safety and worker protocols, see our Kid’s Ministry page here.

Where and when does your church meet together?
Our church campus is located at 1150 East Helen Drive in Palmer. If you are familiar to Palmer, we’re located on the hill behind the Noisy Goose Restaurant across the Glenn Hwy from the Alaska State Fair Grounds. You can also get to our campus by turning south off the Palmer-Wasilla HWY at the Felton Street traffic light intersection. We’re about a mile past the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center.
Our regular Sunday morning worship service is at 10:30 and lasts about an hour. We have special & holiday worship services from time to time that are announced through our Facebook page, at, and via emails sent from our church. We have small groups that meet on and off campus at various days and times. You can find information on our Facebook page, at, and via our emails.
What do I do when I arrive?
There will be persons at our entrances to greet and guide you on our campus. A hot beverage station is in the Worship Center Lobby.
What can I expect at the worship service?
God desires that everyone know Him. So, we plan worship to be a welcome experience for everyone, whether you’re a regular worshipper or a person who’s never been in a church. We will sing various styles of songs, we read scripture, have moments for prayer. We use video presentations to enhance our worship experience. Our sermons are Bible-based with real world application. Some persons will express worship with lifted hands and clapping. There are times we stand; times we’re seated.
What about dress?
It’s Alaska, so come comfortable for the weather! You may see persons “in Sunday clothes.” Most persons dress casually.
What about children?
Some families worship together in our main service. We offer childcare for children up to 3 years old provided by trained and caring individuals for the service if you choose. We also have Next Generation Ministries for children 4 yrs old through 5th grade. Children attending this experience move from the Worship Center to the Family Ministry Center of our building before the sermon begins. The curriculum is called HyFi. Check it out at this link. For more information about our child safety and worker protocols, see
What happens after worship?
You’ll notice that persons usually mix & mingle for a time. The Pastor and a team of persons will also be available in our Welcome Center if you’d like to ask questions about our church and our faith. You will find information about connecting with small groups and activities. There will be persons available if you’d like to talk about beginning and strengthening your relationship with God.
Are sermons available after Sunday services?
Our Sunday sermons, led by Pastor Bruce Rowell, are livestreamed on our Facebook page and recordings are available in our Facebook posts. You can find our Facebook page at: