Events Calendar

Weekly Events

Next Generation Youth

Wednesdays at 6:00pm

Ladies Group

Thursdays at 10:00am

Worship Practice & Rehearsal

Thursdays at 6:30pm

March 1st

Gather 25

A global prayer event. Ladies are invited to participate Saturday, March 1 at in-person at the church. More details to come.

March 7th

Kid’s Day Lock-In

Next Generation Elementary Kids are invited for a Lock-In at the church, March 7th, 9am to 3pm.

March 10th

Spring break begins


March 13th

Lunch Bunch

Join us for a meal at the church full of community and good food – 11:30am.


March 22nd

Ladies Gathering

Topic and theme to be announced!


March 29th

Chili Cook-Off

Join us for the annual chili cook-off after Sunday worship! Bring family and friends and come taste and rank the chili entries. 


April 19th

Easter Egg Hunt

Open to all members of the community – starting at 1pm


April 20th

Easter Brunch

Join us for Easter Brunch before the Resurrection Sunday service!


April 20th

Easter Celebration

Join us in worship of our risen Saviour! Service starts at 10:30am


May 8th

Lunch Bunch

Join us for a meal at the church full of community and good food – 11:30am.


May 16th

Youth Lock-In

The Next Generation Youth are invited for a Lock-In at the church, 8pm to 8am.